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Nurse using EpiSoft Cancer

EpiSoft Revolutionises Cancer Treatment Management

EpiSoft Cancer EMR was featured on SBS TV’s Small Business Secrets show. For those of you that missed watching live you can view the segment below.

Watch EpiSoft founders, Jenny O’Neill & Michael Hurse, explain how and why they came up with the concept for EpiSoft’s and the secret to the companies success.

According to Clinical Nurse Specialist, Debbie Marcellino the implementation of EpiSoft cancer EMR has had a profound impact on the workflow for nurses at Sydney Adventist Hospital. “It has been amazing, it has just changed our whole working way. We can access medical records in an instant, prior to that we have bulky paper records” 

Once the doctor selects the treatment plan to prescribe to the patient EpiSoft then automates the process to schedule the treatment appointments, calculate the medications doses & generate the list of compounded medications for ordering. “This is a huge time saving & efficiency for the hospital” said Fran Vaughan, Project Manager at SAH.    

The Sydney Adventist Hospital were kind enough to allow us to film in their beautiful Integrated Cancer Centre. Nurses Debbie & Priscilla and project manager Fran are all wonderful advocates of the software. A special thank you to Jannelle who kindly allowed the crew to film her treatment, everybody here at EpiSoft wishes you a speedy recovery.

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